What are Marionette Lines?

These are lines between the corners or the mouth going down to the jaw. These produce a ‘sad’ and/or disappointed expression and often occur due to the ageing process. Patients often don’t like these lines as they can produce an appearance of general unhappiness.

Fortunately, there are ways of addressing marionette lines. This can be via both fillers and anti-wrinkle injections. When using fillers, the key would be to produce structure between the lines to help replace the volume loss. This will help soften the lines and produce a less sad/disappointed appearance.

Why use Dr JS Aesthetics for marionette lines?

At Dr JS Aesthetics, I am entirely focused on you as an individual and your needs and will always give you a natural-looking appearance. One of my goals is to help make you feel confident and happy about your appearance.

Being a GMC medical Doctor, I always ensure I practice to the highest standard ensuring patient safety and good communication skills. I am trained by a cosmetic course from the UK’s most established and long standing training provider for medical professionals.

I would say as a clinician, my strengths include my compassion for my patients, my ability to listen to my patients and communicate effectively as well as demonstrate good leadership skills and reliability with my colleagues.

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