Chin Fillers

Our chins, their shape and the way they look in general have a huge impact on how youthful, fresh and healthy the rest of our faces look. As we get older, our chins can lose much of their firm and angular look. One solution to this problem would be to go under the knife. However, if you are looking to avoid invasive surgery, chin fillers are a great alternative.

What do chin fillers do and what are they?

Chin augmentation with fillers is a treatment that involves the use of dermal fillers with the primary ingredient of hyaluronic acid.
It is a non-surgical and non-invasive procedure that involves dermal filler injections being administered beneath the skin of the chin to help add shape and volume to the area.
The injections are used precisely on and around the areas of the chin and other points where there are noticeable weaknesses.
When the chin is volumised in this way it also helps to rejuvenate and reduce the appearance of premature ageing that we all suffer from in the lower half of the face.
This is achieved thanks to the additional support provided and can be used to optimise the aesthetic appearance of the lower face.
The bottom line is that the resulting defined and strong chin will help to support the weight of your cheeks better giving a healthier and more youthful look.
Your chin is assessed and reviewed from front and side. Then, based on your needs, chin fillers can be used to help:

• Increase your chin’s length
• Increase your chin’s projection
• Reduce your chin crease
• Increase or reduce, depending on what you require, the bottom of your chin
• Work on Marionette creases by building them up between the lips and chin to reduce the unappealing folds that form there.
• Reduce or completely remove a dimple in your chin

When Will You See Results From Chin Fillers?

The good news about this treatment is that, like most dermal fillers and solutions that use hyaluronic acid, the results are generally experienced immediately.
Although you will look even better once the minor bruising and redness has cleared.

How Long Do Chin Fillers Last?

On average, I expect the results of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers on the chin to last for around 12-18months.
However, the length of time you experience the positive results of your chin filler treatment will depend on your skin type and lifestyle.

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