Lip Filler

One of the highest in demand services here happen to be our lip fillers!
Different individuals desire different effects on their lips and we naturally beyond the normal and aftercare services for our patients.

Our patients’ needs’ vary and could be influenced by their age, personal preference as well as various other factors. Often these can be classified in to two rounds:

1) Volume enhancement
2) Reduction of ageing signs.

Volume enhancement is common in those in the younger age range as well as those with naturally smaller lips. In those with very small lips, this may need to done over two treatments, over 4 weeks to allow the lips to become accustomed to the new size. We will always help guide you through this process and will give you medical advice accordingly.

Ageing of the lips is also an issue particularly when it comes to the lip service as well as the periorbital lines – which are the lines closest to the lips. This can occur naturally as one gets older and prominent in those who have smoked for a long period of time, regardless of if they still smoke.

During the consultation I will gage exactly what you are looking for and create the desired effect to the best of my ability. The aim is to improve the aesthetic appearance and for those who are older to address signs of ageing.
You will be given an option of topical anaesthetic which will be a cream we apply to the lips, in addition to all of the products we use have lido cane within the filler. These fillers will have an anaesthetic within the filler, ensuring the pain is kept to a minimum. You will also be given aftercare advice to follow (please ensure that no pressure is applied on the lips for the rest of the day, no makeup ideally for at least 4 hours and no facial massages or any beauty treatments for at least 2 weeks).

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