
Hyperhidrosis is a condition of excessive sweating areas in the body which impair the patient’s quality of life. This can be localised to a particular area of generalised.
Sweating is part of our normal physiology in order to cope with increases in heat. However, some patients suffer with excessive sweating to the extent it impairs their quality of life.
Palmer hyperhidrosis which can result in difficulties where even holding a pen or shaking someone’s hand can be an issue.

Axillary hyperhidrosis (under arm) results in excessive sweating that can affects people’s confidence as well as resulting in permanently damp clothing in the under arm area.
The aim of the treatment of hyperhidrosis is to improve the impact of the excessive sweating to allow patients to live more normal lives. The hyperhidrosis can occur on many sites, localising anywhere in the body. However, most common sights include

  • palmer (hand)
  • feet
  • underarm
  • forehead and scalp

Once the injection therapy is delivered the results start to take affect within 7 – 10 days. Depending on the area treated and the dosage given the treatment can last for between 3 – 9 months. For patients having these treatments for the first time they can often notice a dramatic improvement with regards to these aspects.

Examples include: –

  • Make up no longer sweating off face where hyperhidrosis has been treated
  • No longer having sweating hands when shaking people’s hands
  • No longer having socks soaked in sweat after a warm day
  • forehead and scalp

At Dr JS Aesthetics, we never underestimate the affects that such occurrences can have on peoples lives. For those who suffer from hyperhidrosis, this can be extremely debilitating and can affect people’s self-confidence over the long term.
As part of your treatment plan, I offer a consultation that goes over the side effects, the treatments used as well as after care.
The aim is to have a treatment plan that delivers the desired affect which can be replicated time after time in a safe and controlled manner.

General Hyperhidrosis

Please see below some general background information.
Hyperhidrosis has been a long-standing phenomenon. The treatments I use have been in place since 1996.
There have been various treatment for hyperhidrosis throughout the years including surgery, strong antiperspirant compounds, injections and iontophoresis.
Each treatment has their merits some being more effective than others. With regards to the treatment the aim is to achieve a subjective and objective improvement with regards to sweating for the patient on the desired area.
Throughout the body we have various areas that are very rich in sweat glands, these include the underarm, the palm, the forehead and the feet. Sweat glands are very important in insuring heat regulation and our ability to decimate heat. However, where this process becomes excessive and disturbs the quality of life, hyperhidrosis is said to exist.
For most people the hyperhidrosis becomes evident before the age of 25 is often focal to a particular area or may be linked to multiple or symmetrical areas in the body. The dose of the therapeutic compound will vary depending on the area treated as well as the patient specific characteristics.
The patient will be kept comfortable throughout the process and receive full aftercare.

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