Cheek Filler

Through the recent developments leaders within the field such as Doctor DeMaio, cheek fillers have become far more prominent over the last decade.

The cheeks rest on the cheek bones which naturally have a lifting effect on to the face. When fillers are injected deep in to the tissues, this creates a further lifting effect that helps elevate the appearance of other areas through this lifts affect. This includes a beneficial affect to the tear trough area (underneath the eyes), the marionette lines (the side of the lip to the jawline producing the ‘sad face’) and the nasolabial folds between the nostril and the corner of the mouth. It is often advisable before addressing any of the latter three areas that the cheek fillers are used. A lot of the time this will eliminate the need for fillers in these areas specifically, as well as in most cases reducing the number of volume required if a subsequent injection is needed.

How does the ageing process affect the cheeks?

Through the ageing process the cheeks is one of the areas that we lose volume in our face. This can occur on the outside of the cheek or the outside of the cheek. This will vary with the ethnic distribution, age as well as weight and weight loss. This volume loss over time through ageing can produce can appearance that patients wish to try and address. The key aim of cheek filler will produce a lift as well as adding volume to an area where volume has been lost.

The Treatment

The treatment usually takes around 30 minutes.

I first get the skin cleaned and a topical aesthetic is applied just to numb the area and to make the treatment virtually pain free. Once I have made the area numb then the product is injected using a small fine needle.

Once the treatment is over, I add some ice packs just for a few moments to help reduce any minor swelling.

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