Frequently Asked Questions


The consultation process involves a 45 – 60 minute consultation to go over various fillers you may wish to use and various treatments you may wish to proceed with after a discussion of what your needs and aim of the treatment. You will receive a full and detailed explanation to the types of treatments available and how they can be used to produce your desired outcome.
Immediately after the filler is injected the main side effects are swelling and bruising. These can be easily concealed using make up. During the consultation you will be informed of all of the major complications of fillers so you can make an informed decision of whether you wish to proceed. I will also give explanations of how I wish to minimise complications in order to ensure your safety which is a priority.
During the consultation we will also discuss whether you are a suitable candidate for the treatments and what suggestions I may have for your treatment plan should you wish to hear them. It is important we focus on key areas within the face that you wish to improve. The duration of the fillers will be typically 12 – 18 months although there are some new fillers now that can last up to 24 months. These are reversible.

It is important to be aware that different practitioners will have different levels of qualifications, experience and training; in addition they will also use different products.
The key thing to ascertain is, who do you want injecting your face? If you would like a medical professional for example a General Practitioner who knows the autonomy very well and who understands the possible risks and complications and is able to treat complications as well as advise proficiently in aftercare, this level of expertise requires a great deal of training which will involve associated costs.
At Dr JS Aesthetics we only use premium products using only market leading, high performing fillers and anti-wrinkle injections which have been clinically tested.
We do not cut any corners with our products and we ensure that every time you are treated you receive the highest standard of care. Dr Jamil undergoes regular training and updates to ensure his clinical knowledge is kept up to date and at the cutting edge.
As you only have one face – it is very important to ensure that when you have someone who is injecting and performing treatments to your face this is done by someone who is competent in the procedures and understands the risks and complications.
At Dr JS Aesthetics we compete primarily on quality and at a price that is reasonable and competitive, however we are not the cheapest providers in town and nor do we aim to be. We aim to provide a premium service in which you get a chance to go through all of your concerns and worries as well as receive good aftercare included in the price.

At Dr JS Aesthetics we will always discuss the treatments with you in detail. We are of course happy to start this on the telephone if requested as well as a face to face consultation.
Every patient is encouraged to have a cooling off period to think about what treatments they want or whether they wish to proceed. Dr Jamil will have a duty of care towards you and will ensure that you make the right decision for you. We will only propose and agree to treatments that you request that we feel you require.

During the consultation process we will go over various facts regarding your medical history as well as your aesthetics history. There are certain contraindications (conditions in which treatment is not permitted) which must be considered. This would include pregnancy, breastfeeding, being on certain medications and having certain conditions and allergies. This is for your safety to ensure you get optimal results.

Another reason for refusal may relate to aspects such as body dysmorphia. This is a condition in which a patient may have a perception of their own face which is not realistic or in keeping with what others see. This may relate to incidents in which patients request treatments which are very extreme and despite having full features within a certain area request further enhancement beyond what is seen as reasonable and suitable. As a responsible medical practitioner, I will respectfully decline to proceed in such instances, in order to minimise any harm to the patient. We place ethics and standards beyond anything else at Dr JS Aesthetics.

This will be discussed at length with you during your consultation as well as your questions answered. When injecting fillers, some common side effects may include bruising, swelling, discomfort as well as other aspects such as risk of infection.
These will be explained at length prior to the treatment in order to ensure that you gain maximum insight in to the risk and benefits of the procedure.

At DR JS Aesthetics we would recommend that you do not get treatments within 2 weeks of a very important event such as a wedding or graduation. This is because after some treatments could have side effects such as swelling and bruising which may take a week or 2 to go down.

Dermal Fillers

Well to put it simply, as we get older the natural collagen and elastin in the skin lessens. This occurs as our cells lose their ability to produce more of their younger part.

Our skin then becomes thinner, drier and not so rapidly able to heal. At birth, we have substantial amounts of Hyaluronic Acid in our bodies, Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in the body. This is one of the main advantages of this filler as it replaces what is a very natural and prominent substance in the human body.

At Dr JS Aesthetics we use hyaluronic acid fillers as this substance gives tissues structure and one of the key signs of ageing is the volume loss in key areas within the face resulting in hollows in the cheeks, decrease limp volumes and jowls.

One of the main aims to using fillers is to replace these volume deficits to produce a more youthful and natural appearance.

These fillers replace other procedures from the 90’s & 00’s including fat transplant and even using animal fat products. The issue with the older versions are they were not as precise and had a higher complication rate.

Treatment of the filler can be via a needle or a cannula. The procedure does not involve any incision and does not cause any obvious scaring.

The results of the filler are immediate; however, there may be some significant swelling for a few days and up to two weeks after the filler is injected. The final effects of the filler will be two weeks post treatment.

Through smoothing out and lifting certain wrinkles by adding subtle volume, dermal fillers are able to make a difference to the appearance of a person and giving them a fresher younger appeal.

This treatment involves injecting this naturally occurring product – Hyaluronic Acid through a small and fine needle.

Clients usually ask about the level of discomfort, and just to advise you in advancem it is minimal as the treatment is quick to perform. The results with dermal filler are noticed immediately after the procedure. This method of treatment is quick and does not scar.

Typically fillers should not be given to those who are pregnant, breastfeeding or any medical conditions which would make complications far more likely. This may include aspects such as immunosuppressant medication, rheumatoid arthritis and other medical conditions. My approach would be to determine your medical history and identify any medical conditions that may pose a barrier to the fillers. There may be some conditions, for example taking aspirin that would not be complete barrier to treatment but would require extra information to be given and the fact bruising may be more likely.

As stated above, the key is to make an informed decision and the risks specific to your case to the best of my medical knowledge.

The aims for treatments will vary between different individuals. Most of the patients I treat are looking for natural look although some prefer natural but requesting specific treatments.

It is important during the consultation process which I undertake to fully understand the needs and wants of the patient. I will always be honest and realistic with regards to what you can expect from the treatments and if applicable – how many treatments you require.

The aim is to produce a natural look with optimal distribution of the filler taking in to account the patients specific needs.

At Dr JS Aesthetics we will never administer a treatment that could be deemed excessive or disfiguring.

The key is to make assessment of your face in a holistic fashion in order to create balance and a face that is more aesthetically attractive. The best interaction is when the patient and the injector have a long lasting doctor interaction so that we can plan your aesthetic needs over time in the long term and not just a short period of time. The key is to give you the best information, using the best products on the market and responsible medical care.

After the treatment the key thing is to improve aesthetics appearance and facial symmetry as well as ensure that your aims are met to the highest possible standard.

• Jawline
• Chin
• Lips
• Marionette lines
• Nasolabial folds

Please click here for treatment pricing or feel free to contact me to arrange a consultation.