
We'd love to hear from you

Contact Us

We have multiple ways of contacting the service including  – telephone, email, the form below as well as face to face.

What can I expect before my treatment?

You can expect a full and thorough discussion regarding the various treatments as well as a facial assessment of what your needs might be.

Prior to the consultation a full medical history with medications and drug allergies will be taken. This is to ensure that there is nothing within your history to interact with the treatments being offered.

Photos will be stored for your clinical records as well as before and after photos. These are essential, not only to monitor improvement and response to treatment but also can be used as reference point in the future to monitor your progress over time.

The information provided will not be shared with anyone and the photos will not be placed on any forms of social media or advertising unless you state that you have agreed to this. There is no obligation to agree to the latter.

    191 Woodcote Road
    SM6 0QQ

    [email protected]
    020 34884556